Saturday, April 5, 2008

Marriage crisis

If there's one thing that goes without saying in this world, it's that you'd better be certain of your love for someone before you actually tie the knot. Failing to be certain can clearly result in a huge mess, and sometimes broken families. Why do you thing brides and grooms routinely get cold feet just before their wedding ceremony. THIS is why. A small part of them wonders if they're making the right choice. It's only natural when you think about it. I mean really; how many times do you really plan to get married in this lifetime? Hopefully only once. However, when the wrong decision is made, or things start to go array down the road, marriages often end. Although some couples resort to marriage crisis counseling, most just give up and call it quits.

We have to wonder what the right choice is. Does it really make sense that so many people marry the wrong individuals, or do people simply get tired or bored with one another? Yesterday I was speaking with a fellow parent at my daughter's school. We got to talking about divorce and marriage crisis counseling, which her husband works with on a daily basis. I made a joke about how all of us kids who grew up in the 80s and 90s have divorced parents. She laughed and agreed. Her parents, her husband's parents, my parents, and my wife's parents are all divorced, and did so when we were very young. It's just so typical. In retrospect, my father never even tried marriage crisis counseling or anything for that matter before he up and left my Mom for another woman. How typical is that! No wonder my mother still despises the guy. Oh, and of course it was a woman 11 years younger. Isn't it always?

There are a few different places you can acquire marriage crisis help if need be. You can meet a psychiatrist with your spouse, or if you're involved with a church, you can always meet with the minister, pastor, reverend, or priest for counseling. The key is tackling the problems in the early stages. Don't wait until things get so bad that the kids feel isolated in their own home. This isn't fair. Deal with marriage issues in a grown-up fashion with marriage crisis counseling.